Posted on July 16, 2021 in Plastic Surgery
If you are considering plastic surgery, one significant factor to think about is the type of anesthesia you will receive. Dr. Ransom can thoroughly explain your options during your consultation, but it is helpful to have some background knowledge before your first appointment. Here are some things you should know about the three basic types of anesthesia used in plastic surgery.
Under general anesthesia, you will be completely asleep and unconscious. This is preferable for lengthier or more complex procedures such as a facelift or combination procedure. Throughout the procedure, an anesthesiologist will be present and the airway will be controlled. General anesthesia maintains your comfort for the duration of the surgery. Side effects like nausea are managed proactively with IV medication during surgery as well as topical and oral medications as needed.
The experience for the patient is more or less the same with IV sedation as general anesthesia though patients can become aroused during the procedure. The primary difference is that all of the medication is administered intravenously. Your surgeon and anesthesiologist will determine whether IV sedation or general anesthesia is preferable for your surgery.
Local anesthesia involves making an injection to the treatment area so it can be numbed entirely. Throughout the procedure, you will be awake, meaning that there are fewer side effects and a shorter recovery period. You will also feel some sensations such as pressure or movement, but the discomfort should be minimal. Some patients are not comfortable with local anesthesia because they do not wish to be alert and aware of any sights or sounds that could be experienced during their procedure. You may be given another medication by mouth or inhalation to relax for this reason. Local anesthesia is only recommended for less extensive procedures such as a lip lift.
Ultimately, choosing the type of anesthesia you receive is up to Dr. Ransom and your anesthesiologist. While it is beneficial to understand the basics of different types of anesthesia, a medical professional is uniquely qualified to determine the safest and most appropriate option for you. During a consultation, Dr. Ransom will listen to your preferences and make a recommendation with your safety and comfort as the highest priority.
To learn more about your plastic surgery options, schedule a consultation with Dr. Ransom. Contact Ransom/MD in San Francisco by calling (415) 843-6695 or reaching out to us online.
Dr. Evan Ransom is an Ivy League-educated and Ivy League trained Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon. He is a Double Board Certified Head and Neck Surgeon and Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and fellowship-trained in facial plastic, reconstructive, and laser surgery. His practice is in the San Francisco Bay Area, serving patients from San Francisco, Oakland, Marin County, Palo Alto, Silicon Valley, Walnut Creek, the East Bay, and all over Northern California.
The first step to any cosmetic or reconstructive procedure is scheduling a consultation. Dr. Ransom will carefully review your concerns and develop a treatment plan that is most effective for your unique needs. To schedule your consultation, call our San Francisco office at (415) 550-1077 or request an appointment through our online form.